
This website is using cookies

Please take a moment to read our cookie statement below.

Cookies are small text files stored by your web browser on your computer, tablet or mobile phone to enable functionality on a website (for example storing user preferences).


How does Enitor Primo use cookies?

The Primo website creates a 'user session' cookie for each user who visits our website. Cookies do not store any personal information - they allow the website to distinguish between one anonymous user and another when serving website pages.

This allows the website to provide basic functionality such as a browsing history for a particular user, or to be able count of the total number of users currently viewing the site.


Google Analytics

The Enitor Primo website also uses Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a tool that allows the behavior of users on a website to be analyzed, so that we can provide the best user experience.

Google Analytics generates cookies that identify whether you've visited our website before, which pages you visit etc. These cookies cannot be used to identify individuals; they are used for statistical purposes only.

The data stored by these cookies can be seen only by Primo and never shows any confidential information of any kind.


Blocking cookies

You can restrict or block the cookies used by the Primo website through your browser settings but this will impact your user experience. The Help function within your browser should tell you how.

Alternatively, you can visit which provides directions on how to block cookies on all major browsers.

This site also explains how you can delete cookies that have already been stored on your computer as well as general information about cookies.

You should be aware though that restricting cookies may impact on the functionality of the websites you visit.